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Lack of access to adequate education prevents many from achieving literacy, obtaining employable skills, and ultimately realizing economic independence. 74% of Laotians live on less than $2 per day (SEDA,2009). Laos has the lowest UNDP Human Index rating and the lowest literacy rates in Southeast Asia (UNDP, 2009, ACCU, 2008). Through a unique service-learning model, we empower rural villagers and Laotian college students to improve education and skills, impacting social and economic development. 

























We educate students and communities through our unique grassroots format.  Post-secondary student

volunteerslearn about development, sustainability, and Lao culture, all while problem solving and working

with villagersand leaders.  Primary students are exposed to educational games, reading, and greater resources. 

Community members learn income generation techniques and receive training on topics related to

sustainability and preservation of Laotian culture.  


We engage students with one another, with rural villagers, with village teachers and administrators, with

international workers and students, and with leaders of non-governmental organizations and private businesses. 


We empower communities by developing critical thinking and entrepreneurship skills, leadership potential,

and experience with knowledge that the students will use in their roles as the future leaders of Laotian society.  



















"We learn from each other ” -student participant



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